Institution: School of Agriculture, Univ Putra Malaysia
Intern: Adibah, Alia, Ain
“Didiklah anak-anakmu berenang, memanah, dan berkuda.”al hadis
Fasiliti YBE
Untuk maklumat lanjut hubungi:
Tuan Haji Yaacob Sharif (012 - 3586770 / 013 - 6915847)
Faks: 06 - 2830864
YBE herb farm covers herbal cultivation area of 3 ½ acres with more than 100 types of herbs. Given the variety of herbs, the herbal cultivation plots are divided according to specific plant and its requirements. YBE has started the planting of herbs began in 2000 by purchasing nearly 100 types of herbs selected for the purpose of the seed. However, due to weather conditions, lack of understanding of the nature and types of herbs that according to the soil, hence by the year 2002 to 2004 only certain herbs such as Misai Kucing, Kaca Beling, Rosella, Mempahit & Hempedu Bumi commonly associated diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, hemorrhoids, kidney stones, gastritis, and cancer are given focus. Given the objectives of the company is to develop knowledge of herbs and other useful knowledge among the public that the company owner Tuan Hj Yaacob Sharif and Puan Hjh Hairani Mat Taib has taken an initiatives to broaden and expand the YBE plan by offering short-term courses. Among the obstacles to achieving these objectives is large private capital and to manage the workload.
Facilities YBE
1. Field archery 10, 30, 90 meters
2. Spa bath (20 'x 20') - Male / Female
3. Public toilet (bathroom)
4. Spinning Top
5. Adult size swimming pool.
6. Seminar hall (capacity: 20 people per session)
7. Seminar hall (capacity: 40 people per session)
8. Musalla
9. 4 guest house (small)
10. 5 tent sites
11. Nursery plots
For more information contact:
Tuan Haji Yaacob Sharif (012-3586770 / 013-6915847) Fax: 06-2830864
Yaacob Berkat Enterprise Melaka
H/P: 012 - 358 6770
013 - 691 5847
Tel / Fax: 06 - 2830864
SDARA (batch 61-66)
Katakanlah, sesungguhnya solatku, ibadatku, hidupku dan matiku hanyalah untuk Allah, Tuhan semesta alam (Maksud Surah al-An'am 6:162)
YBE Academic Projects Involvement
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) & YBE Melaka. (2011); Penentuan Kesitotoksikan Dan Mekanisme Antivirus Kenerak Dan Mahkota Dewa
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) & YBE Melaka. (2013); Potensi Tumbuhan Tempatan Sebagai Agen Antimikrob
Articles published:
Noor-Zarina Abdul-Wahab, Saleha Shahar, Halimah Abdullah-Sani, Azimahtol Hawariah Lope Pihie and Nazlina Ibrahim, 2011. Antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties of Goniothalamus umbrosus leaves methanolic extract. African Journal of Microbiology Research Vol. 5(20), pp. 3138-3143, 30 September, 2011
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) & YBE Melaka
Articles published:
I. Nor Fariza, J. Fadzureena , A. Zunoliza , A. Luqman Chuah , K.Y. Pin and I. Adawiah , 2012. Anti-inflammatory Activity of the Major Compound from Methanol Extract of Phaleria macrocarpa Leaves. Journal of Applied Sciences, 12: 1195-1198.
YBE Supervision
Nur Ezzati bte Mat Daud, Nor Atikah bte Salleh, Nurul Jannah bte Mohd Nor & Tn Hj Yaacob Sharif .(2013); Keusahawanan Herba;Laporan Industri
Zunnurain Kassim & Tuan Hj Ya'acob Syarif.(2011); Penanaman dan produk Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa); Laporan Industri
Adibah Abdul Raof & Tuan Hj Ya'acob Syarif. (2011); Pemprosesan Herba dan Aplikasi Pada Tanaman Cabe Jawa (Piper refrofractum Vahl.); Laporan Industri
Nurul Ain Mohd Nadri & Tuan Hj Ya'acob Syarif. (2011); Agroherba: Mahkota Dewa Dalam Industri Perubatan Herba Dan Pertanian. (2011); Laporan Industri
Alia Farhana Jamaludin & Tuan Hj Ya'acob Syarif. (2011); Herba Komersil: Mas Cotek Dalam Industri Perubatan Herba Dan Pertanian; Laporan Industri
Noradillah Badrun, Nurfarah Ain Nabila Abd Rahman, Atiqah Tamyis, Nur Aini Yahya, How Moi Fong & Tuan Hj Ya'acob Syarif. (2010); Rancangan Pemasaran 2011 YBE; Laporan Industri
Syeh Mohd Asyraff Alpandi & Tuan Hj Ya'acob Syarif. (2010); Industri Kecil Dan Sederhana (IKS) Herba; Laporan Industri
Ahli Mangku Negara (A.M.N); 1994
Anugerah Pengarah Pendidikan Melaka (Cemerlang Pendidikan); 1993
Pingat Jasa Kebaktian (P.J.K); 1993
Pingat Bakti Masyarakat (P.B.M); 2000
Certificate Food Tech; Politeknik Pahang'05
Diploma Food Tech; Politeknik Pahang'07
Diploma Agriculture; Kolej RISDA Melaka'10
Diploma Perdagangan; Politeknik Merlimau Melaka'10
Bachelor Agriculture; Univ Putra M'sia (Kampus Serdang)'11
Diploma Agriculture; Univ Putra M'sia (Kampus Bintulu)'11
UiTM Shah Alam-Agrobest Internship Program '12/13
(No. syarikat: MA0048404-A)
Sijil Pengesahan Halal (No.Ruj: SJ 500; JAIM)
Cap Dagangan Malaysia –Trademark (No. Ruj: TM 08016134)
Laporan Ujian Nutrisi - Misai Kucing ( No.Ruj: LR/C0524/050275)
Laporan Ujian Nutrisi – Roselle (No.Ruj: LR/C0524/050276)
Laporan Ujian Nutrisi - Kaca Beling (No.Ruj: LR/C0524/050274)
Artikel Akhbar
'Pesara guru, isteri komersial misai kucing’; Berita Harian; 4/8/07
‘Kursus herba’; Sinar Harian
‘Tanaman herba jadi pilihan pesara guru’; Sinar Harian; Ruangan bizness; 3/2/09
‘Pengusaha herba berjaya’;Utusan Malaysia; 11/12/08
‘Yaacob sedia kongsi ilmu herba’; Utusan Malaysia; 11/12/08
Media Program
‘Khabar Malaysia’; RTM
‘Panorama’; RTM
‘Radio-on-air’; RTM Melaka
‘Herba Essence’; TV3
Bersabda Rasulullah SAW, ” Kamu harus belajar memanah kerana memanah itu termasuk sebaik-baik permainanmu.” (Riwayat Bazzar, dan Thabarani)
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